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Throughout her years Selene has had many homes in various cities all which vary in taste and design. Her current and one of her favorites is a old brick firehouse that has been converted into a home. The narrow two story building is located in Old Bellwick City and has every modern amenity. Very large and spacious studio home the firehouse has two floors: The main floor where the living room, dining room and modern kitchen is located and, the second floor which is only accessible by a iron spiral staircase where Selene's room and office are. While the home may have modern technology the décor is dark and dim. Mostly antique furniture. Couches,lamps, chairs, trunks, rugs, mirrors and chaises in dark, jewel tone colors..some from her family home as a child others picked up throughout the years all decorate the building and give the home a very steampunk look.

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The residential areas of Bellwick City vary from the old, run down houses near downtown to the newly built model homes of the "rich." As with any city, Bellwick also plays host to many middle class homes in safer areas with smaller, closely packed homes.
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Selene Campbell: one day I will find a theme I like for this place Aug 12, 2014 8:11:48 GMT
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